torsdag 19 november 2009

Self winemaking

Self winemaking

Getting Started
It is important that you have the proper equipment to make wine. Nowadays you can for about € 22.50 a starter get

, So that is a huge hobby for them. For example, to rein * buy a starter. What I did was buy a booklet with recipes, but nowadays you can easily find recipes on the Internet. Very important that your workspace is clean and the utensils that you used in the process very clean. If this is not the case you can wine vinegar, and that's not what you have in mind. You have obviously been picked or bought the product you want to make the wine. Then we start making wine. For example, you have picked blackberries in your local forest, they do come home in the sink to clean the burrs from dirt and vermin. Once they are clean or pick up a bucket that first good cleaning and a clean cloth where the blackberries in it. Then your running around in the towel so that the juice of the berries come out, you can just do the berries in the bucket and then presses a piece of wood or something else. It must still be made into wine. The recipe is exactly how much sugar, lemon juice and sulfite are added to. with this process you are still doing a few hours, with picking the berries to the processing of the berries into juice. It still takes half years before wine was drinkable. But you're not ready because you must still ensure that each week is stirring so the sugar and yeast will mix well with the oxygen. I will now turn to the more comprehensive process.

Sap win
The way you make fruit juice depends on the kind of fruit used and the equipment you have at home.

* Steam Extractor

This is a onderpan with water, and a sapopvanger a large colander in which fruits go. the steam burst the cells and the heat the juice pasteurized. This is particularly suitable for soft fruits such as blackberries and other berries.

* Pulp Fermentation

Especially if you want to make red wine, then your the pulp (the skin of the fruit) to ferment them. kneust the fruit, pour boiling water over it and let it cool to about 25 degrees. Then add it Pectolyase and yeast to it. You let it stand covered in the bucket. Stir three times a day all through, until sufficient color is transferred to the water and juice. You cover the bucket so that you prevent fruit flies come in, because they ensure that the wine is going to develop vinegar.

* Cooking

Boil only as it should. many aromatic compounds will be lost. banana, parsnip, vegetables, roots, leaves, mountain ash, elderberry and apple can cook. There are more techniques that I mention here but still not first.

The fermentation
Use a good yeast. If you sound you control the yeast colony and kept clean wine with one another to bring the yeast. I will not dwell too far on this process because that is not very important. I will once more about that later.

The bottling of the wine in bottles is not very difficult to do. Just Collect empty bottles to friends and family and ask for empty bottles. Before you fill the bottles are only good steriliseerd so no dirt occupants. The wine is because a long time in the bottle, and you do not want your work after all the wine is still broken. You can change the labels of the bottle in warm water they deviated from them. Once you have the wine in the bottle do the cork out. Make sure you always clean, unused corks used, you can simply buy one rein or other similar store. Now you can if you like it and also buy labels on the computer to edit your own label.

If the wine is bottled there is a maturation period in the bottle. Really this is not a time while at least two months with the tests, since the wine is recovering from bottling. Heavy wines you can generally save more than low-alcohol wines.

Final Word
I hope I'm hot by this article may make the wine and you have a lot of fun to your wine experience.

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