torsdag 19 november 2009

Water and drinking water scarce and desperately needed

Water and drinking water scarce and desperately needed

Definition of drinking water
Drinking water is water where the water well enough so that it is fit for human consumtie. Although tap water in most cases in our western civilization is suitable for drinking, is not always the case. Tap water is water that is transported by pipeline but not necessarily the quality of drinking water standards. In the Netherlands per day and per person (2007 figures) 128liter average water consumption, mainly for toilet and shower. It is also true that most tap water in the Netherlands to the quality of drinking water standards. In other words, we consume an average of 128 liter water per person per day and not to drink! Fortunately, we both Belgium and the Netherlands that the water begins to decrease slightly.

Quality Requirements for Drinking Water
In our drinking water may not be present streptococci and coliform bacteria responsible for many diseases. However, our drinking water contains natural minerals and metals (copper, iron, chromium and selenium). It is also known that in hot water too long in the pipe stood still, Legionella bacteria may be present. These could be taken by them to breathe in the small spray droplets of a shower and so could be Legionnaires' disease can be caused. However, the chance to get this one is very small and in normal hygienic environments will never be a problem. Also on lead in drinking water had much to do until some years back. Because the water often lead pipes were transported, one could find that lead in drinking water. This is especially dangerous for babies and very young children. Today, however, most pipes replaced lead in drinking water and is no longer.

Color and taste of drinking water
The color and taste of drinking water can sometimes vary greatly by the type of water used and the method of purification.
Chlorine was once a very important factor in the taste of water. Chlorine was used for cleaning and bacterial slaying as a means of killing germs. It also shows a clear aftertaste in the water. Tegewoordig However gerbuikt almost no longer made of chlorine in this context because it is prohibited since 2005 as a primary disinfectant. When disinfection method instead often made use of UV (ultra violet) light and ozone. One can still use small amounts of chlorine if you have an infection by a pipe rupture. The quantities are however very small and not harmful to health.

Hard and soft water
Although calcium is present in all water, the amount is highly dependent on the type of water used for drinking it. This is the amount of calcium also very variable by region. If much calcium in the water, speaks of a "hard water" and the less calcareous how "softer" water. The lime in the water is not harmful to health but it leaves its traces in the heating water. In hard water, there is a clear attack in a pan, one will quickly find the bathroom scale and will be the life of eg the washing machine or boiler negatively affected. Also in mineral waters, we often find much calcium back, sometimes more than tap toegstaan is.

Types of water
Groundwater is really mainly rainwater that seeps into the ground. This acts as a filter and the ground water is often clean enough for immediate consumption. Although this source water or groundwater for miniraalwaters often not filtered extra, is this really needed here because stricter water standards. The waterworks will this water through sand filtration to further filter those strict standards. Groundwater in coastal zones can not because this water is contaminated by seawater.

The price of water is extracted and purified from surface is higher than the price of groundwater. This is because surface water is often more polluted than groundwater and are therefore more filtration and purification steps are needed. Surface water is often contaminated by chemical waste by using fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture. This water is also often regulate the zuurtegraag (pH) is important and the 'softening' of interest.

Water filter
One can thus say that drinking water must meet high quality and be safe here, no other sure to enjoy. However, there are water filters that you can install the water tap and it would filter the water again for along the faucet and harmful substances from it. However, according to a survey of purchasing test showed that these filters are not recommended. They would ensure that calcium and magnesium are removed from the water, which nevertheless useful for our body and not part shade, while the filtered water would contain more microbes than allowed in the strict requirements for drinking water. Moreover, the enormous loss of water such as a filter two to three liters is to discard one liters of pure water to obtain.

It sometimes seems as if little use of water can have a negative impact on the environment because water always has a cycle. However, the purification of water creates indeed a heavy burden on the environment. Because we must disinfect the water would thus desinfectatiemiddelen and chemical resources. These come in a waste product generated in the purification of water and sludge that is called. This sludge must be stored or otherwise processed. A decrease of the water table is a result of winning groundwater which can displace natural drying. Therefore water saving efforts, both the government and the individual so important. One can eg use a water saving showerhead, a water efficient washing machine, a rain barrel in the garden and try to use water for all applications where one does not drink (eg watering plants, washing of material, cleaning the patio, ...). A general awareness in the use of water is very important and much needed for our environment.

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