söndag 22 november 2009

Toast with smoked salmon and scrambled eggs

Toast with smoked salmon and scrambled eggs

What do you need?

* 4 slices of bread (or more as well)
* 2 to 3 eggs
* Smoked salmon

How to prepare?

* To cut the smoked salmon in thin slices of 3 to 1 cm.
* Meanwhile verwamt a pan and knocks your eggs in one cup.
* Add some salt and pepper to taste to it. Possibly some chives.
* You pour the beaten egg into the hot pan and make it a scrambled from.
* Meanwhile, cross the bread slices briefly in the toaster.

* If everything is ready, the eggs are well smeuiig, the toasted bread, then take the toast, then you invest them with strips of smoked salmon and then do some of the eggs. If you do this every time the other toasts.
* Possibly as finish some parsley.

Bon appetit!

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